Storm chasers collecting weather data at Westwood Ho!

Led by Dr Vasyl Vlasenko, a reader in coastal processes, our applied marine science masters is supported by lecturers from marine science and engineering, geography, biology, environmental science and maths, as well as professionals working in the marine sciences in the South West – giving you a completely rounded programme of study. Many other staff are also involved with the supervision of projects, but core teaching staff on the programme include:


  • Associate Professor in Shelf Seas Numerical Modelling
    Programme Leader and Modelling Marine Processes
  • Associate Professor in Coastal Processes
    Lecturer on Coastal Erosion and Protection
  • Professor of Coastal Dynamics
    Research Skills/Methods and Coastal Erosion and Protection
  • Professor of Coastal Geomorphology
    Integrated Coastal Zone Management
  • Associate Professor in Ecological Economics
    Economics of the Marine Environment
  • Associate Professor in Coastal and Shelf Physical Oceanography
    Geology, Geophysics and Physical Oceanography of Shelves and Coasts
  • Associate Professor of Marine Conservation
    Marine Biology and Ecology
  • Associate Professor in Marine Management
    Marine Science and Regulations

“By equipping you with a broad knowledge of all aspects of marine science and allowing you to specialise in an area that most interests you, this masters gives you all you need for a marine career.” 
Dr Vasyl Vlasenko, Programme Leader