HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

EdD Professional Doctorate in Education

If you are responsible for leading learning in a school, college or higher education institution whether in the public or private sector, or if you are involved in education or training in business and industry or a third sector organisation, this doctoral-level programme is a fantastic opportunity to study education at a deep level and relate this back to your own practice. Expand your knowledge and understanding of how education works and transform your own practice.

Collaborate with the University of Plymouth

Study at HKU SPACE with internationally and nationally recognised education researchers based in the Institute of Education at the University of Plymouth, UK.

Flexible course length

Benefit from a flexible course length, with completion possible within 4 to 6 years.
Part One (Years 1 and 2): structured research training contextualised to your research interests in an international and Hong Kong context related to theory, policy, practice and institutions.
Part Two (research years 3-6): virtual research support with a Director of Studies related to your area of specialism.

International research community

Join an international community of educational researchers and practitioners with opportunities to attend the University of Plymouth EdD symposium, either in person or virtually.

Key features

The Professional Doctorate in Education enables you to:
  • Study an internationally recognised UK EdD qualification in Hong Kong supported by in-person and virtual lectures and seminars.
  • Focus your attention on the nature of educational practice itself in an international context. Approach education in its broadest sense. Study and theorise the nature of your work from a social perspective – then relate this back to your own practice.
  • Engage with a range of new ideas with which to re-think educational practice on a carefully organised course with a clear structure based on a social perspective on education.
  • Study on a flexible and work-friendly programme that has been structured to fit around your existing commitments.
  • Begin to engage with new educational theory at the University-based sessions. Participate in lively discussions and share ideas with others on your course in seminars, lectures and workshops.
  • Access a wide range of support and resources to fuel your independent study. Draw on books, journals and an online environment where you will communicate with and draw support from your peers and from research active academic staff with a long history of excellence in professional development.
  • Meet and share ideas with others in your cohort from a range of disciplines. Tap into this diversity to compare the interrelationship between policy and practice across different educational areas, institutions and international contexts.
  • Make your mark on the future of education as part of our learning community where you can link into active and renowned research networks.
  • Join the international professional doctoral symposium held at the University of Plymouth, either in person or virtually/online.

Course details

  • Year 1

  • Core modules

    Evidence and Education Policy

    Students will consider the influence of policy discourses on the education aspects of their particular professional disciplines. Discourses will be compared over time and across professional and cultural contexts. Evidence for policy development and implementation will be examined. The ways in which various groups are privileged and marginalised by different discourses will be considered, as will the links between policy, systems, working practices and professional identities.

    Professional Learning

    This module critically evaluates models of professionalism and professional learning set within the context of theories of expertise. It argues that for genuine organisational improvement, strategies and approaches must evolve from practitioners themselves. Models, approaches and the many issues surrounding practitioner research are explored.

  • Year 2

  • Core modules

    Researching Education Practice as Social Research

    Students will develop a theoretical frame for their doctoral research by looking at social theories and their ontological and epistemological basis and relating them to the field in which they are and their own research interests. They will consider how and why people do research and examine methodologies, approaches and methods, particularly in an applied practitioner research context. Students develop skills to design, conduct, analyse, write up and critically evaluate research.

    Professional Doctorate in Education Thesis Proposal

    The focus of this module is the preparation of a project proposal which identifies the area of study and methodology for students’ thesis research. Students build on their own work on the programme thus far to develop a plan for a project which has the conceptual and methodological potential to generate new knowledge at the forefront of the discipline.

The modules shown for this course or programme are those being studied by current students, or expected new modules. Modules are subject to change depending on year of entry.

Entry requirements

  • Potential to study at the doctoral level, typically indicated by a master's degree, but strong professional experience may also be considered.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in exploring and developing experience and ideas.
  • Working in a professional context where responsible for supporting learning, or having appropriate and extensive experience.
  • Strong commitment to educational enquiry and critical reflection on practice as a means of professional learning.
  • Accreditation for prior certificated learning (APCL) up to 120 credits, normally for work completed at the master's or doctoral level within the last five years.
  • Accreditation for prior experiential learning (APEL) may be considered in exceptional cases.
  • Identification of a proposed field of research within the broad field of education at the application stage.
  • GCSE (or equivalent) Maths at Grade C or above.
English Language requirements
  • an overall band of 6.5 or above in the IELTS with a minimum of 5.5 in any element; or
  • an overall score of 90 or above in the TOEFL iBT; or
  • HKDSE Examination English Language at Level 4 or above; or
  • HKALE Use of English at Grade C or above; or
  • equivalent qualifications.
Application requirements
  • Completion of an application form
  • Completion of a personal statement on rationale for undertaking a professional doctorate
  • Submission of research idea
  • Up to date CV
  • Submission of the certified true copies of your qualifications certificates
  • Completion of the HKUSPACE Cambridge Linguaskills General English test to standard 176 or above, or equivalent as per University of Plymouth admissions requirements
  • Submission of an example of your written work. This can be a piece of work from your Master’s degree (Level 7) academic qualification (written in English, with no less than 2,000 words). The work presented should be solely authored by yourself.
  • 2 x references preferable one academic and one professional from a current/past employer. Where an academic reference is not possible, please discuss with Dr Amos Yung (HKUSPACE).

Fees, costs and funding

As this course is delivered by one of our partner colleges, please contact the college directly for information on fees and funding.

How to apply

All applications for the EdD delivered at HKU SPACE should be made directly with HKU SPACE.

Our partnership with HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

The University of Plymouth has developed partnerships with institutions around the world with the sole purpose of making higher education more accessible to those people who need something just a little different.

Our Academic Partnerships enable students to enrol for a degree at a partnership institution closer to home, or engage in distance learning – even when they’re in the middle of the ocean. They are there for those people looking to return to education, or enhance their professional development. Full- or part-time; foundation degree to masters-level – we cater for a huge variety of needs and aspirations.

Many of our partners offer specialist degrees, unique facilities, and smaller class sizes at a competitive price. And as a student of two institutions, you get the best of both worlds; a supportive learning environment as part of a close-knit community, and a university-level qualification awarded by the University of Plymouth. You’ll enjoy not only the facilities and services your partnership institution provides, but also all of the additional support and resources you need from us, and you’ll automatically become a member of our Students’ Union, too.

We are continuing to grow the number of partner institutions and expand our academic community to new locations around the UK and overseas. Why not visit the Academic Partnerships page on our website for a full list of partners and for more details on studying with us?

One of our partners delivers this particular course – so please visit their website for full course details, entry requirements, tuition fees and information on what student life is like there. 

Sasha Pleasance – EdD student

The programme tutors challenge you to think about education in a multitude of ways which challenge any preconceptions you might have and give you new ways to conceptualise issues
Sasha Pleasance - EdD graduate

Research Advisors and Teaching Staff