You will be allocated a clinical host base in Cornwall, Plymouth, South Devon or Exeter and can expect to have all or most of your placements in the area served by your host base. Supervised clinical experience is gained through three placement periods, each (with associated academic and research work) of almost a year’s duration.
Your placements will enable you to apply your psychological knowledge and skills in ways that are informed by sensitive understandings of the complex worlds and circumstances in which people develop and live.
Year one involves work with children and families and people with learning disabilities. Year two involves work in services with adults and older adults. In both of these year-long placements you will have your own lead and link supervisors, one from each of the two specialisms in which you will be working. Year three is a consolidation and specialisation year in which you will gain more in-depth experience of applying and integrating psychological approaches, and consolidate your acquisition of core competencies and experiences as you prepare for your first qualified post.