Course Comparison

MSc Global Health MSc Expedition and Marine Medicine
Master of Science - MSc Master of Science - MSc
1 year 1 year
Assessment breakdown
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Course type
Full-time, Part-time route available Distance learning Full-time, Part-time route available
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Distance Learning Plymouth
Peninsula Medical School Peninsula Medical School
Entry requirements
Normally a recognised first degree or equivalent will be required with a minimum of an upper second (2:1) class honours degree in a relevant global health subject (e.g. health professionals, media studies, politics and economics, human rights, health economics, health management, veterinary practice, community forestry, psychology, sociology). This could be wide ranging in terms of topics and disciplines.
Applicants with a lower second-class (2:2) honours degree or a recognised professional qualification at an equivalent level will be considered where they can demonstrate relevant experience or further professional development.
Additionally, candidates with substantial relevant work experience, gained through professional practice or other means, may also be considered where admissions staff are confident in their ability to succeed in the programme, in line with QAA guidance.
Applicants must indicate their intended award/completion point (PgCert, PgDip, MSc) at the point of application.
Admissions for all MSc, PgDip and PgCert pathways are handled by the central admissions team:
This programme is applicable to healthcare professional graduates and clinicians who wish to advance their career in the fields of expedition and marine medicine. It is also suitable for intercalating medical students between years 4 and 5 of their undergraduate course.
A recognised first degree or equivalent will usually be required, with a minimum of an upper second / 2:1 class honours degree in a health professions related subject (eg. Medicine, Nursing, Paramedic Science, Dentistry, Allied Health Professionals etc).
Clinicians who achieved a lower grade from their first degree or without a degree but with appropriate experience may still be eligible to apply. Please contact the admissions or programme team for further information.