Course Comparison
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Education | MPsych (Hons) Psychology with Human Neuroscience |
Bachelor of Science - BSc (Hons) | Master of Psychology - MPsych (Hons) |
3 years | 4 years |
Assessment breakdown
- | - |
Course type
Full-time | Full-time |
(+ optional placement) | (+ optional placement) |
Plymouth | Plymouth |
School of Psychology | School of Psychology |
Entry requirements
A level Normal minimum entry requirements are 112-128 points, excluding General Studies.
BTEC National Diploma/QCF Extended Diploma Normal minimum entry requirements are DMM-DDM in any subject.
Access to Higher Education at level 3 Normal minimum entry requirements are Pass (Science, Humanities, Combined, Social Sciences), with at least 33 credits units at Merit.
Welsh Baccalaureate BBB at A Level or BB at A level plus 120 points from WB.
Scottish Qualifications Authority Normal minimum entry requirements are 120 points, to include at least BB from Advanced Highers.
Irish Leaving Certificate Normal minimum entry requirements are to obtain H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 (all at Higher level), plus Ordinary Level Grade C Maths and English.
International Baccalaureate
Normal minimum entry requirements are 26-30 points overall. |
A level 120–136 points from a minimum of three A levels from any subjects (excluding General Studies).
BTEC 18 Unit National Diploma/QCF Extended Diploma DDM in any subject.
International Baccalaureate 32-34 points overall
Access courses Pass Access to HE Science/Combined Science/Humanities/Social Sciences course, to include 45 credits at Level 3, of which 30 credits must be at distinction and 15 credits at merit or higher.
T level Distinction in any subjects.
GCSE 5 GCSE subjects at grade C/4 or above are preferred and this does not necessarily need to be Mathematics and English subjects.
Other English Advanced 4+ (A1) or 5 (A2/B); Standard 5+ (A1) or 6 (A2/B). Maths – Standard 4. Extended entry requirements