Frequently asked questions about Devon & Cornwall Children's University
How do I sign up my child to Children’s University?
You can sign up through your child’s school.
If the school is not already a part of Children’s University, then they can become one by contacting us.
Which learning activities count towards Children’s University?
Learning activities must take place outside the normal school day. This includes before school, lunchtime and after school clubs, as well as weekend and holiday activities.
Only activities that have been quality assured (validated) by us can be included.
Schools will ensure children know which clubs are included.
How do I nominate an activity/learning provider to become a learning destination?
If you would like to nominate an activity provider, then please either send their email address to us at: and we can send them a short online application form, or alternatively, they can fill out the online form by choosing the ‘create activity’ option.
We will then validate this, send a welcome pack to the organisation in the post, along with their online code, via email, for students to claim their activity on the online platform.
What if my child is home educated?
Children’s University has been running in schools for over 15 years!
For the first time ever, we can now offer access to our award-winning programme to all children through a new subscription model. If you home-educate, this is for you.
Where can I find further information?
Your local Children’s University Coordinator is the best person to answer any other questions on the Passport to Learning which you may have. If your Children’s University Coordinator is not able to help you, please contact CU Trust at: