One man's cage is another's deliverance
Guest feature: Jack Smith

A place designed to withhold the worst criminals of the USA, it is said ’if you break the rules you go to prison; break prison rules and you go to Alcatraz’.
I talk of course about the Indigenous people of America, often referred to as the American Indian. This, of course, is absurd as they are neither Indian nor American, since the sovereign state of America was not discovered until 1776 and the Indigenous people are estimated to have arrived some 15,000 –18,000 years prior.
Their actions were not only supported by the fact that the land was theirs morally and historically, but also by the Treaty of Fort Laramie, which, like more than 500 other treaties, was not upheld.
To recognise and learn about these issues helps us to understand the past, improve our present and prevent further atrocities from taking place. To recognise and learn about these issues helps us to understand the past, improve our present and prevent further atrocities from taking place.
I would like to thank and recognise Ilka Hartmann, Dr LaNadaWar Jack, William Ryan Jr and Eloy Martinez for their kindness to me, resilience to injustice and strength in adversity, and to Dr Darren Aoki for his constant support.
Jack Smith is a third-year undergraduate on the BA (Hons) History degree.