Medical research
At the University of Plymouth

For that, institutions – whether universities, specialised institutions or laboratories – need funding from bodies such as research councils, commercial partners, or philanthropic foundations and donors. The University of Plymouth is no exception and receives significant funding across its faculties and research institutes to help conduct its work – from microplastics to mantle cell lymphoma; cybersecurity to clinical psychology. Here are two recent examples of how two very different types of funding can make a significant difference to medical research.
"I knew the University had a fantastic medical school, and that its Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence was one of just three in the country. But I’ve been really impressed with the work that’s being undertaken and the facilities we have in the Derriford Research Facility. And it helps that I’ve also fallen in love with life in the beautiful South West!"
Developing new treatments can take many years. But if the pandemic has shown us anything, it is that research can deliver progress much faster. It just needs funding, and for people to work together towards a common goal. I know many people who support our work have a personal connection – people they love have been affected by brain tumours, and you cannot help but be touched by that. As a researcher and as a human, you want to succeed as quickly as possible so that it might improve the outcomes for people in the future.
Proteomics investigates how different proteins interact with each other and the roles they play within the organism. The advanced technology of the new mass spectrometer will substantially improve our ability to craft a global view of the processes underlying healthy and diseased cellular activity at the protein level. The work that we do in this area already has huge real-world implications and this new investment will speed translation of research into action.
Professor Sube Bannerjee, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health
“We’re incredibly grateful to the Wolfson Foundation for their funding and recognising how much impact this piece of equipment will have on the work taking place here,” added Sube. “What’s great about this project too is that £50,000 was funded by small donations – from people’s kindness and personal fundraising endeavours. It’s brilliant that they can see their funding being put to use in such an impactful way.”