“Take every opportunity as it comes and remember that university is only a brief time in someone’s life, but those 3-4 years can change the outcome forever: so have fun, make friends, and get that degree!”
Tell us about your career path since graduation.
I began this new role at UPSU just a month after my final exams, so I don’t expect this job to change too much after I graduate this September (although I am looking forward to getting my certificate).
What is the best, most exciting or fun thing that you have done in your career?
Working with almost 120 different societies is not only one of the most difficult factors of the role, but it’s also the most exciting. With nearly 4000 students in societies this year, my role allows me to meet so many different people: it’s exciting!
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get in to the same line of work?
Get out there, put yourself out of your comfort zone and talk to people, you never know who you’re going to meet; they might be that one contact that could change your life.
What is your favourite memory of studying at Plymouth?
I feel that there are two key memories that link together quite well; the first is the day I moved down to Plymouth into halls for the first time. It was a scorching Sunday afternoon in September and all my bags and such had been moved in by me and my family, and one by one the rest of the flat began to fill up and that buzz of meeting new people all in the same position as you is brilliant. That feeling continued into the induction sessions, where I met over 150 new people on my course all eager to start their next chapter!
Would you recommend undertaking a course with Plymouth University, and why?
Absolutely, in the past few years this University has gone from strength to strength, not only are grades improving year on year but student experience is also growing. The students here have so many opportunities to expand their knowledge, learn new skills, and make countless numbers of contacts. It’s a University that has a very strong sense of community, one I believe our students are very proud of.
Is there anything else which you would like to share with our current students?
Just to say enjoy it! Take every opportunity as it comes and remember that University is only a brief time in someone’s life, but those 3-4 years can change the outcome forever: so have fun, make friends, and get that degree!