Prithviraj Ray

Working as a business analyst

I previously completed an internship with Deloitte, and am currently in the financial advisory team here, working mainly with financial crime and forensic cases. I have management capabilities after completing numerous internships and a placement during my time at the University.
The first project that the company were able to take me on to was financial based; I ended up excelling in this role and was kept on beyond my initial contract. I now work full-time for Deloitte as a business analyst. I intend to move within the banking industry, forward to the investment banking space. 
I am really enjoying my time in this role. I work with so many people and the variety of work that we do is incredible. The company is very flexible and appreciates everyone for their own skills and differences. I enjoy the company, the clients, being able to progress within the company quickly and just the fact that Deloitte appreciate me for who I am.
In a few years’ time hopefully I will be a vice president at a tier one bank, which I think is well within my reach. But also starting my own business on the side as I am currently pursuing franchise opportunities with some of the biggest franchisers in the world right now. I have seen a few locations in Plymouth where I would like to open them, so I am really leaning towards this in the coming years.

There is a lot that I love about Plymouth

I was part of the international students society, and we got funding for a lot of things, especially local trips to places such as Mount Edgcumbe and Cornwall. As an international student I really liked that. The location is great in terms of being able to explore different landscapes, but the city is also a good size to be able to feel part of a community.
From a social point of view, I think being part of the University’s rowing club was really fun. We went for so many competitions, we all got on so well, and even now my home screen is a photo of my rowing partners. We had a really good team at the time and even now I still row at the same club. 
Prithviraj Ray rowing

Working with real clients

I think I became very business intelligent whilst I was on my course. I made sure to apply for a student placement within the first three months of starting my course and used this as a learning experience. 
After my placement I looked into the knowledge exchange programme at the University, and I started doing as many of those as I could. The best part of this was that some of the time, the answers I was looking for on the knowledge exchange programmes were a part of my course materials, so I was able to apply my course knowledge to working with real clients.
Additionally, some of the business management modules made us work with live clients and business advisory projects. 
I learned a lot from these opportunities, like how to create a business plan from scratch, discussing how to hit targets and how to manage expectations. 
This was practical as it has helped me a lot in my current role when I have been working on stakeholder management.

An invaluable placement experience

I worked at The Range for my placement year, during COVID-19 and the Suez Canal incident. I was working in the buying team for DIY and fireworks. DIY during COVID absolutely blew up and we were the highest grossing department. Being in the buying team, you liaise with marketing, the suppliers, the shipping, the taxes and legal parts, as well as packaging and branding teams. So being in that central role gave me exposure to all these places. It was a lot of hours and stress, but I really enjoyed it and found it an invaluable experience. 

A great sense of community

I had an option of five universities and got accepted to all of these, but I had visited Plymouth before and had a vivid memory of walking across the Hoe – it was one of the best views I could remember. I did live in London for some time whilst working at Deloitte and the whole time I just wanted to come back to Plymouth. You have all the necessary support here. There's a great sense of community in the city, which you don’t get anywhere else. 

Gaining a big network

Finishing the course and getting my degree has been my proudest achievement. It was quite difficult for me, in my final year just before my exams I had a family bereavement, which made it really difficult for me to be able to carry on and finish my degree. But I was able to push through it and come out successful. 
Another proud achievement would be looking at the number of businesses that I made contact with around Plymouth, and all the connections and networks I was able to build during my time here. I am still in touch with every single person I interned with, I visit them regularly and offer them advice here and there. I think gaining such a big network whilst I was studying and remaining in touch with them is a massive achievement. 
Prithviraj Ray
Two couples of happy young men and women carrying their laptops while walking to the workplace office (full bleed size)