“Studying at the University of Plymouth prepared me for the diverse world of work that awaits a dance theatre graduate. The inclusive focus of the course opened my eyes to an area I had previously known little about and informed my practise as General Manager of Exim – a company whose ethos centres around inclusivity.”
Tell us about your career path since graduation.
After a brief and unfulfilling spell in administration (interning for Exim when I could) and an adventurous summer as a holiday rep, I realised that a career in dance and the arts was what I wanted: and that was what I was going to have!
I became an Intern Tour Manager for Exim Dance Company, winning the Creative and Culture Skills Board Award for ‘Intern of the Year.’ I then became Producer, and in turn General Manager.
Alongside this, I also worked for Plymouth Dance as their Corporate Development Coordinator. I joined Real Ideas as a Junior Consultant in August.
What is the most difficult thing which you have faced in your career?
Working in a field which is heavily reliant on grants from trusts, foundations, and councils mean lots of organisations are in a constant cycle of applying for funding and coping with the stress that surrounds it.
As part of my role at Plymouth Dance, I started to tackle this with the development of corporate relationships, and this is something that will stay with me as an area of passion and focus in my new role at Real Ideas.
What is the best, most exciting or fun thing that you have done in your career?
I am incredibly fortunate to have had opportunities that have excited me on a regular basis: booking and running a ten-date tour, performing at The Theatre Royal with ADAPT (Exim’s Youth Dance Company), and hosting a VIP reception at U.Dance 2015 attended by corporate sponsors, dignitaries, and Richard Alston… It’s been a roller-coaster! Although I am only three months into my role with Real Ideas, it’s certainly going to be an exciting place to continue.
How did studying at Plymouth help you?
Studying at the University of Plymouth prepared me for the diverse world of work that awaits a dance theatre graduate.
The inclusive focus of the course opened my eyes to an area I had previously known little about and informed my practice as General Manager of Exim – a company whose ethos centres around inclusivity. The University of Plymouth is also where I met two of my future bosses, Claire Summers (Artistic Director of Exim) who graduated the year before me and June Gamble (Coordinating Producer of Plymouth Dance) who lectures on the PDP Module.
The University taught me the wide and important reach the arts have on people of all ages and backgrounds and this is integral to my current role at Real Ideas.
Do you stay in touch with other University of Plymouth alumni or lecturers?
As a company, Exim has a great relationship with the University and I saw many of the lecturers on a regular basis when I was there.
Exim is actually made up of alumni with a graduate from each year of the dance theatre course and my best friends are also alumni… I am surrounded by University of Plymouth alumni.
Would you recommend undertaking a course with the University of Plymouth, and why?
Of course! I had a wonderful three years at the University; I studied under lecturers who are leading names in their fields of research, realised my passion for the importance of dance and the arts, and made friends for life.