The four main types of self-employment are:
1. running your own business, social enterprise or charity.
2. starting up a partnership, where you join up with others (two or more people) to ‘co-found and ‘co-run’ a business, social enterprise or charity.
3. being self-employed as a sole-trader. Common examples of sole traders include restaurant owners, hairdressers, plumbers and electricians.
4. being self-employed as a freelancer. As a freelancer, you have flexibility in the way you work as it often involves winning contracts from clients to deliver work and projects. Many freelancers are registered sole traders, whilst others have decided to set up their own company. As a freelancer, you can have a range of contracts, one contract with one large company/ organisation or undertake portfolio working. Portfolio working combines a mixture of, often freelance, professional roles, some of which might be relevant to your degree or future career ambitions. Common examples of freelancing roles include graphic designers, illustrators, copywriters, bloggers and musicians.