Procurement policy

Key aspects of the University of Plymouth procurement policy

6 This policy was reviewed and approved by the University Executive Group on 29 January 2025.
It will be reviewed again before 29 January 2027.

Who does it apply to?

The Procurement Policy applies to all staff and must be considered and followed prior to making financial commitments on behalf of the University.


The Procurement Policy is driven by the University's Financial Regulations, to provide control over the totality of the University's resources and to provide the Board of Governors and management with assurances that those resources are being properly applied.
So that,
We can ensure achievement of the University's strategic plan, charitable and commercial objectives including:
  • financial viability
  • achieving value for money
  • fulfilling its responsibility for the provision of effective financial controls over the use of public funds
  • ensuring that the University complies with all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements
  • safeguarding the assets of the University for the future.

Grant funding

Grant funding conditions often stipulate the procurement and value for money obligations that must be followed, which can be different to our own policies. If you are applying for grant funding, understand your obligations, check Grant Conditions and ask Procurement for advice before proceeding.


The University must also comply with the Principles and associated thresholds set by the Procurement Act 2023 and associated Regulations.
Procurement must be engaged where spend is likely to exceed £65k. Additional planning is required where Goods/Supplies and Services might exceed £177,897* or £4,447,447* for Works.
*Figures exclude VAT

Key thresholds

This Policy sets out minimum requirements where existing contracts are not already in place.
Staff have a responsibility to ensure they have an awareness of all aspects of the Procurement Policy, well before making financial commitments on behalf of the University. View the full Procurement Policy .
For further guidance, the Procurement team is here to provide support:
Procurement Policy table v1