Staff Carers and Parents Network
For staff who are balancing work commitments with carer responsibilities and parents to children of all ages and abilities

The Staff Carers and Parents Network welcomes new members from across the University. We recognise that some aspects may be more important than others to our members, and possibly evolve over time. For example, members might be interested in any of the following:
You don’t need to be formally recognised as a carer by the Government or Benefit Agency to join the Staff Parent and Carers Network. If you balance work commitments with caring responsibilities for an ill, elderly or disabled family member, friend or partner and are interested in connecting with others in a similar position, the Staff Carers Network is for you.
We meet regularly online and in-person when we can to socialise, share any concerns and work together on representing the voice of carers at the University of Plymouth
Our Staff Parents Network Support page offers sources of information and support relating specifically to members of staff who are expectant parents or parents to children of any age, including:
What is the most important thing that you would want people to know about caring?
FUTURES 2022 - Final Call
FUTURES is an annual event to mark European Researchers Night - a festival of discovery, FUTURES showcases and engages people across the South West with the region's research and innovation.
The University supports this project locally as part of a consortium of HEI’s in the South West; FUTURES22 will be a festival of Public Engagement with our research and is due to take place in the autumn. The Network has previously discussed the possibility of running a family event during the festival, with practical demonstrations and events to showcase some of the amazing things happening on campus.
If you would like to be involved in organising the family event then please do get in touch.
Women's Network – project update
Six of our network members have volunteered to work on a project with the University Women's Network, looking into the experiences of staff returning to work following maternity, paternity or adoption leave.
The project is currently in the process of obtaining ethical approval and once granted, will involve a series of focus groups and interviews. If you are interested in being involved in the project please get in touch and we can link you up with the project group.
Could you be a co-chair?
We would like to invite Expressions of Interest for the position of Carers & Parents Network Co-Chair at the end of this academic year. Staff Network co-chairs usually hold a term of two years in the role - we will therefore have an exciting opportunity for a new co-chair to help take the Network forward and would love for an existing member to take this on.
Working as a co-chair there is always someone to bounce ideas off and it provides a real opportunity to shape the Network activities and get involved in something different. You will get the opportunity to attend University Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee meetings, University Staff Network Chair Forums, and join the HE Parents & Carers Jiscmail to hear about other activities being held in Universities across the country.
Time off for Network activities is covered in the Staff Networks policy and help and support is available through the other Staff Network Chairs and central Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team.
If you are interested or would like to chat more about the role, please get in touch.
Inclusive Employers 'taking inclusion with...' podcasts are for anyone with an interest in inclusion and diversity and cover a broad spectrum of inclusion topics, including parents and carers at work. All episodes can be accessed via their website or through your regular podcast provider.