Stay safe overseas
Before you set off overseas be sure to look through our safe overseas travel guidance to be aware of some of the potential risks

Some useful information on how to start planning your trip safely if you have a protected characteristic.
If you are travelling with a protected characteristic or planning a University trip for staff and students then you should research the equality laws of the country you are travelling to. Below is some general information on what to be aware of.
Sometimes, overseas travel with a mental or physical disability can be challenging for a variety of reasons. A person has a disability 'if they have a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities'.
Possible risks when travelling with a disability can include accessing travel insurance, cultural acceptance of certain disabilities in some countries, availability of medication and required assistance and accessibility issues to buildings and modes of transport in some countries.
Scope UK and Tourism For All have advice and guidance on travelling with a disability.
In the UK, attitudes towards trans people are slowly improving and trans people are protected from discrimination by law in the UK and most of Europe, but this is not the case in all countries around the world. Attitudes can vary hugely and it is important you are fully aware of the laws and customs of the country you are travelling to so you can stay safe. Travelling as a trans person in many countries poses a high risk due to limited police protection/support, reduced access to medication and healthcare, issues at border control and the risk of physical violence.
You can find in-depth advice, support and information from the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association.
If you are HIV+ you are protected from discrimination in the UK under the Equality Act 2010 as HIV is classed as a disability. It is illegal in the UK for most organisations to ask for your HIV status (there are a few exceptions to this, which you can see on the Terrence Higgins Trust website). These rights and protections are not universally available across the world and you should find out more about travelling as HIV+ when planning your trip as you may find limited access to medication and health insurance or you may even be denied entry to the country. The best place for specialist advice on travelling with HIV is the Terrence Higgins Trust.
Anyone taking PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis- medication to reduce the risk of HIV transmission) should also be aware that PrEP is illegal in some countries or customs officials may believe you to be HIV+ and deny you entry to the country. If not denying entry, your PrEP medication may be confiscated. We recommend following advice from Terrence Higgins Trust on travelling internationally with HIV medication for PrEP medication.
Protection to marriage and civil partnerships only protects people who are married or in a civil partnership from discrimination. In England, Scotland and Wales marriage is not restricted to persons of the opposite sex and same-sex marriage and civil partnerships are legal. Same-sex marriage has been legal in Northern Ireland since January 2020 and is legal in nine of the fourteen British Overseas Territories.
Regardless of your marital or civil partnership status, public affection between both heterosexual and homosexual couples is still prohibited in a number of countries around the world and you could face imprisonment or deportation. In some countries this includes small acts of intimacy that we may take for granted in the UK such as holding hands or kissing.
There are not many countries around the world that legally recognise civil partnerships or same-sex marriage and you could face discrimination based on this. This discrimination could include denial of access to healthcare, denial of insurance, deportation and imprisonment. Specialist advice is available through the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association.
Discriminating against someone based on their race and/or ethnicity, or perceived race and/or ethnicity, is illegal in the UK and large parts of the world, in the UK this protection includes Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers. Protection on the grounds of nationality is subject to compliance with immigration rules.
Each country is different and so we recommend you research your destination thoroughly. It is not uncommon for racial profiling to be in place at airports in Western Europe, the United States, Australia and Israel where passengers with a darker skin tone or perceived to be of Arabic origin may face additional questioning. It is not uncommon for travellers with Jewish ancestry or of an Israeli nationality to be refused entry to Middle-Eastern or Muslim-majority countries. The UK Government's website is the best place to visit for safety information related to race or ethnicity.
Religion or belief should be taken to mean the full diversity of religious and belief affiliations within the UK, including non-religious and philosophical beliefs such as atheism, agnosticism and humanism. Whilst this full range is accepted in the UK and everyone is protected from discrimination in some countries around the world this is not the case where atheism, blasphemy or denouncement of a particular religion carries serious penalties including the death penalty. Antisemitism is particularly prevalent in Eastern European and Arab countries. Possible risks associated to religion and belief include the threat of violence, denial of entry to country and discrimination in accommodation.
You may also need to consider the availability and provision of services relating to your particularly religion or belief. For example, Halal or Kosher food may be difficult to obtain in some territories or you may not be able to access a religious space to pray. The UK Government's website is the best place to visit for safety information related to religion or belief.
Sex is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. It protects individuals from discrimination based on their sex or gender. Whilst the UK, United States, Australia and New Zealand and most European countries offer this protection the picture varies across the world. There are some countries where women are not offered the same rights and protections as men, as a woman you may have limited freedom of movement, limited freedom of expression and speech and the threat of imprisonment.
In addition to lack of equality laws for women in some countries, the UK government also issues specific advice to women travelling abroad to protect their safety. For non-binary or trans individuals we would recommend visiting the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association's pages for more information.In the UK everyone is protected from discrimination and harassment based on their sexual orientation (or perceived sexual orientation) whether they are LGBT+ or heterosexual. This is not the case in all countries around the world where sexual acts between two people of the same sex are illegal in over 70 countries and so your safety could be at risk. Laws vary across the world from simply not being protected from discrimination where a hotel could refuse you a room to imprisonment or the death penalty. It is also worth bearing in mind that using social media and location-based dating apps can be incredibly dangerous as some governments have used such services to entrap and imprison LGBT people. Always be aware of any local laws or the local culture that may impact you; police assistance may not be possible in all countries if you are accused of a crime related to being LGBT.
The best place for specialist advice relating to travelling internationally as LGBT+ is the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association.
Whether you are travelling alone for University business or planning a field trip, make sure you are aware of the relevant policies below.