Why offshore renewable energy? Why Plymouth?
@Globally, investment of £2.5 trillion is predicted for the wind energy sector between 2017 and 2040 (Offshore Wind Industry Prospectus)
@In the UK alone, employment in the offshore wind sector is predicted to increase from 10,000 jobs in 2017 to 36,000 by 2032
@In the UK, the tidal stream and wave industry have been predicted to support 4000 jobs by 2030 and 8100 jobs by 2040 respectively
@Study with our offshore renewable energy experts at the University of Plymouth, an international leader in ORE research
@The University of Plymouth is ranked 8th worldwide in the field of Marine and Ocean Engineering in the 2019 Shanghai Rankings
@Take advantage of the University of Plymouth’s extensive relationships with the ORE industry
Offshore renewable energy (ORE) is a key strategy for achieving the transition from carbon emitting fossil fuels to clean low carbon renewable sources. The main sources from which energy is captured in ORE are offshore wind, waves and tidal currents. Our programmes focus on preparing the personnel who will design, develop, operate, and regulate the technology that will convert energy from these natural elements into usable power for our communities.
At the University of Plymouth we offer two MSc programmes to supports graduates ambitions to work within the offshore renewable energy sector.
The MSc Offshore Renewable Energy Engineering programme is for engineering graduates or those with similar technical backgrounds who wish to focus on the design and realisation of ORE projects.
The MSc Offshore Renewable Energy programme is a broadening programme designed to provide applicants of a wide range of backgrounds with a broad understanding of the ORE field and prepare them for careers in ORE project development, environmental consultancy, and industrial development and regulation.
Our programmes
The COAST Laboratory
The COAST (Coastal, Ocean And Sediment Transport) laboratory provides physical model testing with combined waves, currents and wind, offered at scales appropriate for device testing, array testing, environmental modelling and coastal engineering.
This is a flexible facility with the capability to generate short and long-crested waves in combination with currents at any relative direction, sediment dynamics, tidal effects and wind.
The facility is closely aligned with the COAST Engineering Research Group.
Dr Martyn Hann
Associate Head of School (PG Education)
Programme Lead for MSc Offshore Renewable Energy Engineering
Professor Daniel Conley
Professor of Nearshore Processes
Programme Lead for MSc Offshore Renewable Energy
Professor Deborah Greaves OBE FREng
Professor in Ocean Engineering
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, Lead of the Supergen ORE Hub
Dr Philip Hosegood
Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography
Dr Robert Rawlinson-Smith
Associate Professor in ORE Engineering