
The following videos show University of Plymouth students and academics talking about their experiences of inclusive assessment and giving their advice on best practice. Listed below each video there are some questions to help you think further about making assessments inclusive in your role and with your students. 

You could also download our guides which provide further information, advice and guidance on inclusive assessment.

Assessment to the learning outcomes

a) What is assessment designed to do? b) To what extent does the assessment on your programme extend or consolidate learning? c) How could assignments be re-designed to better test the learning outcomes?

Assessment design

a) What does this clip tell us about assessment design across the whole programme? b) How can we design assessment to be rigorous, and authentic?

Assessment scheduling

Good scheduling is important in reducing stress. a) How can effective scheduling help staff workload and student achievement? b) How can we help students improve their time management?

Students as co-designers in assessing for graduateness

Enabling those students to make those key decisions for themselves.

Variety of assessment methods

a) How does variety of assessment methods assist learning?
b) How can programmes balance variety of assessment methods with progression?

Preparing students for assessment

a) How can this be maximised through preparatory work? b) Is assessment preparation scheduled into taught sessions? c) What activities will ensure that students engage with assessment and marking criteria?


We know that constructive, timely feedback is essential to learning. a) What key tips do you have for those new to giving inclusive feedback? b) What activities can ensure that students reflect and act on the feedback for their next assignment?

What are exams designed to do?

Exams have a useful place in the assessment portfolio. a) What different exam approaches can be used to maximise inclusivity? b) How can these approaches be justified? You should also consider the length and weighting of each exam.


How can we help take the anxiety out of exams?

Reasons to use exams

What is the rationale for open book and seen exams?


Good inclusive assessment should remove the need for most Modified Assessment Provisions (MAPs). Where MAPs needed make sure you are familiar with the guidance notes.

Commercial assessment and employability

Because going to university isn't just about getting a job and getting a degree, it’s all the other kind of life skills that you get along the way.

Developing professional coping strategies

a) What does the employer voice add to the discussion on inclusivity?
b) What does this tell us about the ways in which students can prepare for the working world?
c) What coping strategies could all students benefit from being taught in your discipline?