Our current Student Digital Champions

How can Student Digital Champions support students?

Student Digital Champions can:
  • help you to improve your digital skills
  • help you make the most of the digital tools and technologies available at the university
  • answer questions you might have about how to use technology to support your learning
  • help you problem solve issues you might have using technology
Why not come and talk to a Student Digital Champion, they are in the library every day – view the schedule
Writing Cafe Zayn, Sophie and Ben - mentors blurred

What else do the Student Digital Champions do?

In addition to peer support, the Student Digital Champions also provide training and create resources to help students make the most of technology


Student led training sessions
Explore the student led training sessions available. These include the digital toolkit (learn about core technology), creating video and using RStudio

Video icon

Student created video resources
Find out more about the DLE, myCareer, LinkedIn Learning,Zoom, MentiMeter, ePad and more from this range of video resources


LinkedIn Learning playlists
Student created LinkedIn Learning playlists on topics including the DLE, myCareer, wellbeing, screenwriting, Excel, social media marketing and more

Meet our champions

Our champions represent a diverse range of disciplines in the University and provide us with an excellent insight into the student voice.

  • Viv hocking

    Vivian Hocking

    School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
  • Harriet Ball

    Harriet Ball

    School of Biological and Marine Sciences
  • Zayn Kaisar

    Zayn Kaisar

    Peninsula Medical School
  • Aurora Wake

    Aurora Wake

    School of Society and Culture
  • Atrisa Baharloo

    Atrisa Baharloo

    Peninsula Medical School
  • Ishita Sharma

    Ishita Sharma

    School of Psychology
  • Grace Richardson

    Grace Richardson

    School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
  • Tsian Deslandes

    Tsian Deslandes

    School of Biological and Marine Sciences
  • Jessica Larue

    Jessica Larue

    School of Biological and Marine Sciences
  • Cara Monastra

    Cara Monastra

    School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
  • Saam Hasan

    Saam Hasan

    School of Biological and Marine Sciences
  • Ben Phillips

    Ben Phillips

    School of Society and Culture

Student Digital Champions case studies

The SDC role provides basic IT support as a peer-to-peer service for all students to access if they need support. Being in this role has boosted my confidence, self-esteem, and importantly this has helped me to understand students' different needs. Being an SDC has provided me with skills and knowledge to help others but also learn more myself. This opportunity has helped me to further my IT and general knowledge which will see me further into the future.

Kayleigh Banyard 
LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology and Criminal Justice 

Being an SDC has given me a platform on which to build myself and to share my experiences and knowledge. It has increased my confidence in public speaking and in finding new ways to interact with people. It has also aided me in further understanding the uniqueness of each individual and how tailoring our services to them can make all the difference! It’s been a lot of fun, and the role has also given me opportunity to play my part in enhancing the student community’s digital literacy and assist in creating tools and resources to further assist the effort. Overall, this role is one I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone!

Zayn Kaisar 
BMBS Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery 

Having the opportunity to help other students build their confidence with the technologies available to them alongside my studies has been a really rewarding experience for me. The flexibility of the role has enabled me to enjoy working whilst completing the final stage of my undergraduate degree, undertaking my initial postgraduate studies and now again whilst embarking upon my PhD. In addition to the flexibility, the role is a great addition to your CV and provides an insight into how the University determines what technologies students need to reach their potential.

Vivian Hocking
PhD Computing 

My experience with the SDC team has been great; the role is a brilliant opportunity to develop confidence and to help the student community; it’s amazing to be part of a team that contributes so actively to improving the student experience. There are plenty of opportunities to tailor your work to your strengths, as well as opportunities to learn new technologies that improve your learning. I have really loved helping people with technology as an SDC, and making a difference to the University on an individual and collective scale has been a really good experience. Not only that, but the SDC team is wonderful to work with; I can’t recommend it enough!

Sophie Folkard 
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences 

Sharing the work of the SDCs conferences and events

Viv hocking at conference

Additional Peer Support Networks

Closeup shot of an unidentifiable hacker using a cellphone in the dark

Contact us and how to get help

If you want to know more about the Student Digital Champions, please get in contact with the team at: SDC@plymouth.ac.uk
IT and Technical Support: Please contact libraryandITenquiries@plymouth.ac.uk if you are a student needing specific IT help or support.
Feedback: If you have feedback regarding these pages, including suggestions, issues or broken links, please use our feedback form.