Roland Levinsky Building and City of Plymouth looking out to sea

Global connections

We are committed to our role in economic development, collaborating globally and making use of these connections for the benefit of businesses, communities and the environment in our region.

Facilities and expertise

We support the development and delivery of local economic strategies, working in partnership to support key sectors and innovation across the business community, enabling access to our facilities and expertise.

Economic growth

With over 100 university and industry collaborations each year, our teams work with SMEs to support the creation and growth of microenterprises, which characterise the local economy.

Great South West Partnership

The University plays a leading role in the Great South West regional partnership, and in levelling-up agendas for the region and city. Major developments include Offshore Renewable Energy and the Ocean Futures programme.

Supporting the national effort against coronavirus (COVID-19)

“This response has shown our University community’s strong sense of duty and service, and they are acting on that to contribute and to help.” – Professor Sube Banerjee, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health

The University's range of support includes:

  • our students helping the NHS and our staff returning to the front line
  • supporting research into vaccination and delivering training to NHS staff
  • supplying equipment to the NHS and staff in the city
  • providing a psychologically informed response to COVID-19
  • creatively supporting home-schooling during lockdown.

Find out more about our response

Medicine and dentistry UKCAT
Our community of staff and students have shown great imagination in coming up with so very many different ways to support the NHS

The Queen's Anniversary Prize for pioneering research on marine microplastics pollution and its impact on the environment and changing behaviour

Nearly two decades of world-leading research into the effects of marine plastics on our environment by Plymouth researchers, led by Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS, has received the highest honour that can be bestowed upon a higher education institution.

Recognition for our discovery of microplastics

Toxic plastic waste floating under the surface of the ocean and contaminating water, pollution and environmental damage.

Plymouth awarded share of Cultural Development Fund

A project to build Plymouth’s creative industries and nurture creative people power has been awarded £3.5 million by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. The University has partnered with Plymouth City Council, Destination Plymouth, Mayflower 400, Plymouth College of Art and Real Ideas to create iMayflower.

The project aims to help the city’s creative sector realise its potential, offering new opportunities, creative spaces and skills. The money is part of a £20m Cultural Development Fund for the regions announced by Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright.

Read further details on how the funding will be used

Mayflower Steps Getty Images
Plymouth's Mayflower Steps, on the Barbican

eHealth expert named among nation’s lifesavers

A researcher who focuses on improving access to digital health has been chosen for a new campaign highlighting the positive impact of universities on the nation’s wellbeing.

Professor Ray Jones, Professor of eHealth, is included in the ‘nation’s lifesavers’ list compiled by Universities UK, the umbrella group for UK universities.

Read more about Professor Ray Jones's research and the MadeAtUni campaign

Universities UK Lifesavers Made At Uni