Dr Sarah Boulton

Dr Sarah Boulton

Deputy Head of School and Associate Head of School - Marketing and Recruitment

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Dr Sarah Boulton can be contacted through arrangement with our Press Office, to speak to the media on these areas of expertise.
  • Geology
  • Geomorphology
  • Earthquakes
  • Plate tectonics
  • Women in science
  • Tsunamis
  • Landslides


I have been at the University of Plymouth since 2006, as an academic member of staff for the geology programmes. My background is in sedimentology, geomorphology, structural geology and with interests in geochemistry. Please see the research tab for more information regarding my recent and ongoing research projects.My teaching reflects my background in Earth Sciences and I contribute to a number of modules on the geology programmes but my focus is on developing the Geographical Information Systems/Science (GIS) expertise of the students.
In recent years I have also taken a lead on student recruitment for the geology programmes and was the undergraduate admissions tutor until September 2019. This experience gave me the expertise to become the current Associate Head of School for student recruitment and marketing for the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. I additionally, the Deputy head of school in 2020.
In addition, I am a passionate advocate for increasing diversity within STEM subjects and co-founded the successful and award winning (Geological Society RH Worth Award) Girls into Geoscience programme.
Career History
01/08/2019 to present: Associate Head of School (Student Recruitment and Marketing), Deputy Head of School since 2020.
01/08/2018 to present: Associate Professor of Active and Neotectonics, University of Plymouth
01/01/2006 to 31/07/2018: Lecturer in Neotectonics, University of Plymouth. 


01/10/2007-01/04/2007 - Post-graduate certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (University of Plymouth).
01/10/2002-14/10/2005; Ph.D research at the University of Edinburgh. Thesis title ' Tectonic-Sedimentary evolution of the Cenozoic Hatay Graben, South Central Turkey'.
Graduated 20/06/2006.
1998-2002; M.Sci Geology - 1st Class (honours) from University College, London.

Professional membership

Fellow of the Geological Society of London
Member of the British Society for Geomorphology
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Key publications

Kent E, Whittaker AC, Boulton SJ & Alçiçek MC (2020) 'Quantifying the competing influences of lithology and throw rate on bedrock river incision' GSA Bulletin 133, (7-8) 1649-1664 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Telfer MW & Mather AE (2020) 'Rock strength and structural controls on fluvial erodibility: Implications for drainage divide mobility in a collisional mountain belt' Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538, 0-0 , DOI Open access
Kent EJ, Boulton SJ, Whittaker AC, Stewart I & Alcicek MC (2016) 'Normal fault growth and linkage in the Gediz (Alasehir) Graben, Western Turkey, revealed by transient river long-profiles and slope-break knickpoints' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms , DOI Open access
Jones JN, Boulton SJ, Bennett GL, Stokes M & Whitworth MRZ (2021) 'Temporal Variations in Landslide Distributions Following Extreme Events: Implications for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling' Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface 126, (7) , DOI Open access
View all publications


Teaching interests

I am the module leader for (and teach on):
GEOL2003 - Geospatial Techniques
GEOL3006 - Geological Remote Sensing and GIS
These modules build the confidence and skills of the students in geological mapping and spatial analyses, and in the use of advanced software such as ESRIs ArcGIS Pro.
I also teach on GEOL3005 - Tectonics.
In addition to these modules, I am involved in fieldwork, which would normally consist of:
GEOL2010 - Pembroke
GEOL2003 - Mapping training, Ainsa, Spainish Pyrenees
GEOL3001 - Undergraduate Mapping Project.

Staff serving as external examiners

I am the current external examiner for the Geology programmes at the University of Hull (2019 - 2021).I was previously an external examiner for the Geology programmes at University College London (2014-2017).


Research interests

My PhD research focused on unraveling the tectono-stratigraphic development of the Hatay Graben in southern Turkey, an actively deforming plate boundary zone between the Arabian, African and Anatolian Plates, working in collaboration with Turkish colleagues and my PhD supervisor Prof Alastair Robertson (Edinburgh University). A multi-disciplinary approach lead to significant contributions including the first models for the tectono-sedimentary evolution of a Neogene Graben in southern Turkey (Boulton et al., 2006; 2007; Boulton & Robertson, 2008) with implications for present day regional plate tectonic configurations as well as the closure of the Neotethys during the Oligocene (Boulton & Robertson, 2007; Boulton, 2009).
One novel aspect of my PhD was understanding the tectonic geomorphology and influence of active faulting on the river long profiles crossing the graben bounding active faults. This led to the development a new method for calculating fault-slip rate of normal faults based upon river geomorphology (Boulton & Whittaker, 2009). Subsequently, understanding the role of uplift and active faulting on river systems and how we can extract 'tectonics from topography' has become one of my main research focuses with ongoing projects in Turkey, Morocco, Nepal and the Solomon Islands. I continue to collaborate with Dr Alex Whittaker (Imperial College London) to understand the tectonic controls on knickzone formation and retreat (e.g., Whittaker & Boulton, 2012; Kent et al., 2017; 2017; 2021). I have also become interested in the connectivity between river channels and the adjacent hillslopes, and in particular the role that landsliding has in landscape evolution.
I am also developing expertise in cosmogenic isotope analysis as a tool for understanding rates and patterns of landscape evolution, I spent 4 months (November 2016 - Feb 2017) at the Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) with Dr Kevin Norton on a Leverhulme Trust funded sabbatical learning relevant sampling and processing techniques.
Furthermore, I am still interested in the Cenozoic (Miocene to present day) tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region especially concerning active faulting, palaeoseismology, tsunamis and geoarcheology. As well as the geodynamic and palaeogeographic evolution of the area and, in particular, the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
I am currently supervising two PhD students:
Manuel Diercks(2nd Supervisor): Fault interaction and seismic hazard in Western Turkey
Storm Roberts(DoS): Assessing past storm and tsunami events with coastal boulder deposits: implications for offshore and coastal renewable energy infrastructure.

Research degrees awarded to supervised students

Dr Joshua Jones: Earthquake preconditioning in the Nepal Himalayas, implications for landslide susceptibility modelling. Completed February 2022.
Dr Jesse Zondervan: Tectonic and climatic controls on Quaternary fluvial landscape development in NW Africa. Completed March 2021.
Ms Natalia Perez Del Postigo Prieto: Tsunami generation by combined fault rupture and landsliding. Awarded MPhil September 2020.
Dr Emiko Kent: The relationship between active faulting and fluvial geomorphology: A case study in the Gediz Graben, Turkey. Completed November 2015.
Dr Emhemed Alfandi: – Early Mesozoic stratigraphy, sedimentology and structure of the Gharianarea, north-western Libya. Completed February 2012.
Dr Sara Hayes: - Volcanic Risk Assessments: Integrating Hazard and Social Vulnerability Analysis. Completed September 2011.

Grants & contracts

October 2020 - Co-I on the SENSUM: Smart SENSing of landscapes Undergoing hazardous hydrogeological Movement NERC funded project. 
January 2019 - Awarded in-kind funding of £30,197 by NERC for the use of the Cosmogenic Isotope Analysis Facility for the project “The relationship between slip rate, lithology and denudation in the Gediz Graben, Western Turkey”.
March 2018 - Awarded £1000 from the Geological Society of London (PI) for the project 'The role of lithology on catchment average erosion rates in the Gediz Graben, Turkey'.
October 2017 - Awarded (~ £80,000) a NERC EnvEAST CASE PhD studentship (taken up by Joshua Jones) to investigate the role of earthquake preconditioning on landslide occurrence in the Nepal Himalaya. CASE funding provided by AECOM through collaboration with Dr Michael Whitworth.
February 2017 - Awarded 9 tiles of TanDEM-X data (£900) from the DLR for the project (PI) 'Quaternary landscape development in NW Africa: tectonic and climatic controls on landslide and river terrace development'.
March 2016 – Awarded £25780 for a Leverhulme International Fellowship (PI) ‘Bedrock river erosion in the Temperate Zone’.
January 2014 – Awarded £6700 from the Royal Geographical Society for the Thesiger-Oman Fellowship as the PI. Project title ‘Palaeo-elevation and uplift of the Moroccan High Atlas.’ 
June 2012 - Awarded ~ $3000 to attend and participate in MYRES V: The Sedimentary Record of Landscape Dynamics. Salt Lake City (Utah) 8 - 12th August 2012.
May 2012 - Awarded £5000 from the Marine Institute (Plymouth University) as a co-investigator. Project title 'Quaternary raised beaches of Devon and Cornwall: new data for an old problem'. Project leader: Matthew Telfer (Plymouth).
September 2010 - Awarded (~ £50,000) a CRES PhD studentship (taken up by Emiko Kent) to investigate active tectonics and knickzone formation in Western Turkey.
March 2010 - Awarded £650 from the Garwood Fund of the Geological Society of London. 
August 2009 - Awarded £1325 from the Experiential Learning CETL (UoP) to attend a professional development course at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America (Portland, Oregon, 2009).
July 2009 - Awarded €9000 from the DARIUS programme as a co-investigator. Project title 'Transition from passive margin to collision: Tectonic development of the Arabian continental margin in SE Turkey. Project leader: Prof. Alastair Robertson (University of Edinburgh).
1st April 2009 - 1st April 2010 - Awarded £11,193 from the National Geographic as a co-investigator. Project title 'Patterns and rates of uplift driven fluvial incision within the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains of NW Africa'. Project leader: Dr Martin Stokes (University of Plymouth).
May 2008 - Awarded £1400 from the Nuffield Foundation (PI) to employ Stefanie Honeywill for 2 months on the project 'Reconstructions of the Palaeoenvironmental changes over the Miocene-Pliocene boundary in the Hatay Graben, Southern Turkey'.
July 2006 - Awarded £4970 from the Royal Society Research Grants Scheme (PI). Project title 'Timing and Development of the northern Dead Sea Fault Zone (Karasu Rift), Southern Turkey' .
May 2006 - Awarded £200 from the British Geomorphological Research Group (PI). Project title ' Tectonic geomorphology in an area of active strike-slip faulting: The Hatay Graben, Turkey' . 


Key publications

Kent E, Whittaker AC, Boulton SJ & Alçiçek MC (2020) 'Quantifying the competing influences of lithology and throw rate on bedrock river incision' GSA Bulletin 133, (7-8) 1649-1664 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Telfer MW & Mather AE (2020) 'Rock strength and structural controls on fluvial erodibility: Implications for drainage divide mobility in a collisional mountain belt' Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538, 0-0 , DOI Open access
Kent EJ, Boulton SJ, Whittaker AC, Stewart I & Alcicek MC (2016) 'Normal fault growth and linkage in the Gediz (Alasehir) Graben, Western Turkey, revealed by transient river long-profiles and slope-break knickpoints' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms , DOI Open access
Jones JN, Boulton SJ, Bennett GL, Stokes M & Whitworth MRZ (2021) 'Temporal Variations in Landslide Distributions Following Extreme Events: Implications for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling' Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface 126, (7) , DOI Open access

Key publications are highlighted

Zondervan J, Stokes M, Boulton S, Telfer M, Mather A & Belfoul M (2024) 'Lithological controls on the timing of strath terrace staircase formation in a collisional mountain belt' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ, Rodés Á, Fabel D, Alçiçek MC & Whittaker AC (2024) 'Complex erosional response to uplift and rock strength contrasts in transient river systems crossing an active normal fault revealed by <sup>10</sup>Be and <sup>26</sup>Al cosmogenic nuclide analyses' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 49, (4) 1428-1450 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Diercks M, Mildon ZK, Boulton SJ, Hussain E, Alçiçek C, Yildirim C & Aykut T (2023) 'Constraining Historical Earthquake Sequences With Coulomb Stress Models: An Example From Western Türkiye' Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128, (11) , DOI Open access
Barnett R, Austermann J, Dyer B, Telfer M, Barlow N, Boulton S, Carr A & Creel R (2023) 'Constraining the contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Last Interglacial sea-level' Science Advances 9, (27) , DOI Open access
Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Telfer MW, Boulton SJ, Mather AE, Buylaert JP, Jain M, Murray AS & Belfoul MA (2022) 'Constraining a model of punctuated river incision for Quaternary strath terrace formation' Geomorphology 414, , DOI Open access
Alves FC, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, de Fátima Rossetti D & de Morisson Valeriano M (2022) 'Post-rift geomorphological evolution of a passive continental margin (Paraíba region, northeastern Brazil): Insights from river profile and drainage divide analysis' Geomorphology 414, , DOI Open access
Jones JN, Boulton SJ, Stokes M, Bennett GL & Whitworth MRZ (2021) '30-year record of Himalaya mass-wasting reveals landscape perturbations by extreme events' Nature Communications 12, (1) , DOI Open access
Roberts S, Jones JN & Boulton SJ (2021) 'Characteristics of landslide path dependency revealed through multiple resolution landslide inventories in the Nepal Himalaya' Geomorphology 0-0 , DOI Open access
Jones JN, Boulton SJ, Bennett GL, Stokes M & Whitworth MRZ (2021) 'Temporal Variations in Landslide Distributions Following Extreme Events: Implications for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling' Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface 126, (7) , DOI Open access
Basmenji M, Sancar T, Dikbas A, Boulton S & Akyuz HS (2021) 'Tectonic Geomorphology of the Yatağan Fault (Muğla, SW Turkey): Implications for Quantifying Vertical Slip Rates along Active Normal Faults' TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES , DOI Open access
Kent E, Whittaker AC, Boulton SJ & Alçiçek MC (2020) 'Quantifying the competing influences of lithology and throw rate on bedrock river incision' GSA Bulletin 133, (7-8) 1649-1664 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Whitworth MRZ, Boulton S & Jones J (2020) 'Implementing the Sendai framework in developing countries using remote sensing techniques for the evaluation of natural hazards' Lowland Technology International 22, (1) 113-122 Publisher Site Open access
Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Telfer MW & Mather AE (2020) 'Rock strength and structural controls on fluvial erodibility: Implications for drainage divide mobility in a collisional mountain belt' Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538, 0-0 , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ (2020) 'Geomorphic Response to Differential Uplift: River Long Profiles and Knickpoints From Guadalcanal and Makira (Solomon Islands)' Frontiers in Earth Science 8, Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Liu Z, Han L, Boulton SJ, Wu T & Guo J (2020) 'Quantifying the transient landscape response to active faulting using fluvial geomorphic analysis in the Qianhe Graben on the southwest margin of Ordos, China' Geomorphology 351, 106974-106974 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Alçiçek MC, Mayda S, ten Veen JH, Boulton SJ, Neubauer TA, Alçiçek H, Tesakov AS, Saraç G, Hakyemez HY & Göktas F (2019) 'Reconciling the stratigraphy and depositional history of the Lycian orogen-top basins, SW Anatolia' Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 99, (4) 551-570 , DOI Open access
Jones JN, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Bennett GL & Whitworth MRZ (2019) 'Coseismic and monsoon-triggered landslide impacts on remote trekking infrastructure, Langtang Valley, Nepal' Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 159-166 , DOI Open access
Perez Del Postigo Prieto N, Raby A, Whittaker C & Boulton SJ (2019) 'Parametric study of tsunamis generated by earthquakes and landslides' Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (Tsunami Science and Engineering II) , DOI Open access
Karatas A & Boulton S (2019) 'Morphometric characteristics of alluvial fans in Southern Turkey: implications for fault activity in the Anatolia, Arabia, Africa Triple Junction Region' Academia Journal of Environmental Sciences 7, (3) 9-29 , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ, VanDeVelde JH & Grimes S (2019) 'Palaeoenvironmental and tectonic significance of Miocene lacustrine and palustrine carbonates (Ait Kandoula Formation) in the Ouarzazate Foreland Basin, Morocco' Sedimentary Geology 383, 195-195 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ & Stokes M (2018) 'Which DEM is best for analysing fluvial landscape development in mountainous terrains?' Geomorphology 310, 168-168 , DOI Open access
Stokes MR, Mather, Mather A, Geach M & Boulton S (2017) 'Controls on dryland mountain landscape development along the NW Saharan desert margin: Insights from Quaternary river terrace sequences (Dadès River, south-central High Atlas, Morocco)' Quaternary Science Reviews , DOI Open access
Schneiderwind S, Boulton SJ, Papanikolaou I, Kázmér M & Reicherter K (2017) 'Numerical modeling of tidal notch sequences on rocky coasts of the Mediterranean Basin' Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122, (5) 1154-1181 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Schneiderwind S, Boulton SJ, Papanikolaou I & Reicherter K (2017) 'Innovative tidal notch detection using TLS and fuzzy logic: Implications for palaeo-shorelines from compressional (Crete) and extensional (Gulf of Corinth) tectonic settings' Geomorphology 283, 189-200 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Kent EJ, Boulton SJ, Whittaker AC, Stewart I & Alcicek MC (2016) 'Normal fault growth and linkage in the Gediz (Alasehir) Graben, Western Turkey, revealed by transient river long-profiles and slope-break knickpoints' Earth Surface Processes and Landforms , DOI Open access
Schneiderwind S, Kázmér M, Boulton S, Papanikolaou I & Reicherter K (2016) 'GEOMETRY OF HOLOCENE TIDAL NOTCHES – SEA LEVEL MARKERS AT PERACHORA PENINSULA, GULF OF CORINTH, GREECE' Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 50, (1) 468-468 , DOI Open access
Kent E, Boulton SJ, Stewart I, Whittaker AC & Alcicek MC (2016) 'Geomorphic and geological constraints on the active normal faulting of the Gediz (Alaşehir) Graben, Western Turkey' Journal of the Geological Society, London , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ, Smart CW, Consolaro C & Snider A (2016) 'The Miocene – Pliocene boundary and the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the easternmost Mediterranean: insights from the Hatay Graben (Southern Turkey)' Sedimentary Geology 332, 51-51 , DOI Open access
Robertson A, Boulton SJ, Tasli K, Yildirim N, Inan N, Yildiz A & Parlak O (2016) 'Late Cretaceous-Miocene sedimentary development of the Arabian continental margin in SE Turkey (Adiyaman region): Implications for regional palaeogeography and the closure history of Southern Neotethys' JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 115, 571-616 , DOI
Boulton SJ & Stewart IS (2015) 'Holocene coastal notches in the Mediterranean region: Indicators of palaeoseismic clustering?' Geomorphology , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ, Stokes M & Mather AE (2014) 'Transient fluvial incision as an indicator of active faulting and Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Moroccan High Atlas' Tectonophysics 633, 16-33 , DOI Open access
Whittaker AC & Boulton SJ (2012) 'Tectonic and climatic controls on knickpoint retreat rates and landscape response times' JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE 117, , DOI Open access
Hart MB, Boulton SJ, Hart, A B & Leighton AD (2011) 'Fortescue William Millett (1833-1915): The man and his legacy in South West England' Geoscience in South-West England (12) 295-303
Boulton SJ (2009) 'Record of Cenozoic sedimentation from the Amanos Mountains, Southern Turkey: Implications for the inception and evolution of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision' SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 216, (1-2) 29-47 , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ & Whittaker AC (2009) 'Quantifying the slip rates, spatial distribution and evolution of active normal faults from geomorphic analysis: Field examples from an oblique-extensional graben, southern Turkey' GEOMORPHOLOGY 104, (3-4) 299-316 , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ & Robertson AHF (2008) 'The Neogene-Recent Hatay Graben, South Central Turkey: graben formation in a setting of oblique extension (transtension) related to post-collisional tectonic escape' GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 145, (6) 800-821 , DOI
Boulton (2007) 'The Miocene of the Hatay area,S Turkey: Transition from the Arabian passive margin to an underfilled foreland basin related to closure of the Southern Neotethys Ocean' Sedimentary Geology 198 (1-2), 93-124 , DOI
Boulton SJ, Robertson AHF, Ellam RM, Safak U & Unlugenc UC (2007) 'Strontium isotopic and micropalaeontological dating used to help redefine the stratigraphy of the neotectonic Hatay Graben, southern Turkey' TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 16, (2) 141-178
ten Veen JH, Boulton SJ & Alcicek MC (2009) 'From palaeotectonics to neotectonics in the Neotethys realm: The importance of kinematic decoupling and inherited structural grain in SW Anatolia (Turkey)' TECTONOPHYSICS 473, (1-2) 261-281 , DOI
Boulton SJ & Robertson AHF (2007) 'The Miocene of the Hatay area, S Turkey: Transition from the Arabian passive margin to an underfilled foreland basin related to closure of the Southern Neotethys Ocean' SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 198, (1-2) 93-124 , DOI
Boulton SJ & Whitworth MRZ (2017) 'Block and boulder accumulations on the southern coast of Crete (Greece): evidence for the 365 CE tsunami in the Eastern Mediterranean' Geological Society of London 105-125 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Boulton SJ (2015) 'Paleoseismology' Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1792-1799 Publisher Site , DOI
Boulton SJ (2014) 'Paleoseismology' Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering Springer Berlin Heidelberg 1-8 Publisher Site , DOI
Boulton SJ (2013) 'Paleoseismology' in Beer M; Patelli E; Kougioumtzoglou I; Au I Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering Heidelberg Springer , DOI
Boulton SJ (2013) 'Tectonic development of the southern Karasu Valley, Turkey: successive structural events during basin formation' 531-546 , DOI
Boulton SJ, Robertson AHF & Unlugenc UC (2006) 'Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Cenozoic Hatay Graben, Southern Turkey: a two-phase model for graben formation' in Robertson AHF; Mountrakis D Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region The Geological Society, London 613-634
Conference Papers
Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Mather AE & Telfer MW (2018) 'Catchment changes in response to tectonics and climate: using river terraces and DEM data in the southern High Atlas Mountains (Morocco)' WGSG 2018 4th Meeting of the Working Group on Sediment Generation, Dublin Open access
Perez del Postigo Prieto N, Raby A, Boulton SJ & Whittaker C (2018) 'Tsunami Generation by Combined Fault Rupture and Landsliding' COASTLAB 2018 Santander 5-/-0/20185-/-0/2018Open access
Boulton SJ, Stokes M, Vandevelde J & Mather AE (2016) 'When did the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains get high? Constraints on neo- and active tectonics from fluvial geomorphology and palaeoaltimetry' 7th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology Crestone, CO 81131 USA 5-/-0/20166-/-0/2016, DOI Open access
Boulton SJ & Stewart IS (2011) 'Holocene Coastal Notches in the Mediterranean: Palaeoseismic or Palaeoclimatic indicators?' 2nd INQUA/IGCP 567 International workshop on Active tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering Corinth, Greece 9-/-0/20119-/-0/2011
Boulton SJ, Stokes M, Mather A, Belfoul A & Faik F (2011) 'Fluvial geomorphology of the Dades River, Morocco: Implications for fault activity along the Southern Atlas Fault' European Geosciences Union AGM 2011 Vienna
Whittaker AC & Boulton SJ (2011) 'How fast do landscapes respond to active faulting?' European Geosciences Union AGM 2011 Vienna
Whittaker AC, Boulton SJ & Attal M (2010) 'How fast do landscapes respond to active faulting?' American Geophysical Fall Meeting 2010 San Francisco 2-/-1/20102-/-1/2010
Boulton SJ & Whittaker AC (2009) 'Quantifying the slip-rates, spatial distribution and evolution of active normal faults from geomorphic analysis: Field examples from an oblique-extensional graben, Southern Turkey' European Geosciences Union AGM 2009 Vienna 3647-3647
Boulton SJ (2009) 'Record of Cenozoic sedimentation from the Amanos Mountains, Southern Turkey: implications for the inception and evolution of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision' European Geosciences Union AGM 2009 Vienna 5675-5675
Boulton SJ (2008) 'Miocene to recent sedimentary and structural evolution of the southern Karasu Rift (northern Dead Sea Fault), Southern Turkey' European Geosciences Union AGM 2008 Vienna 00194-00194
Boulton SJ (2007) 'New insights into the northern Dead Sea Fault Zone (Karasu Rift and Hatay Graben), Southern Turkey’ Eos Transactions' American Geophysical Fall Meeting 2007 San Francisco T42B-02
ten Veen JH, Alcicek MC, Boulton SJ & Ozkul M (2007) 'The role of the Fethiye-Burdur fault zone in the neotectonic evolution of SW Turkey – a combined geological / geoarcheological approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts,' European Geosciences Union AGM 2007 Vienna 01711-01711
Presentations and posters
Zondervan J, Stokes M, Boulton S, Mather A, Telfer M, Buylaert J-P, Jain M, Murray A, Belfoul A & Hann M Zondervan J, Stokes M, Boulton S, Mather A, Telfer M, Buylaert J-P, Jain M, Murray A, Belfoul A & Hann M 'Changes in mountain valley widening, river incision and sediment transport in North-West Africa during the last 180 ka of Saharan climate' Author Site , DOI
Whittaker A, Boulton S, Kent E, Zondervan J, Hann M, Watkins S, Bell R & Brooke S Whittaker A, Boulton S, Kent E, Zondervan J, Hann M, Watkins S, Bell R & Brooke S 'Evaluating the competing effects of lithology and sediment supply on the erosional dynamics of rivers crossing active faults' Author Site Open access
Zondervan J, Stokes M, Telfer M, Boulton S, Buylaert J-P, Jain M, Murray A, Belfoul A, Mather A & Taleb N Zondervan J, Stokes M, Telfer M, Boulton S, Buylaert J-P, Jain M, Murray A, Belfoul A, Mather A & Taleb N 'Eccentricity forcing of Saharan climate drives fluvial strath terrace formation in the High Atlas' , DOI
Wallace E, McAuliffe F, Blowick A, McNamara M, Morris E, Owen A, Boulton S & Fisher J Wallace E, McAuliffe F, Blowick A, McNamara M, Morris E, Owen A, Boulton S & Fisher J 'Girls into Geoscience - Ireland' , DOI
Fisher J & Boulton S Fisher J & Boulton S 'Girls into Geoscience: inspiring the next generation of female Earth Scientists' , DOI
Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Mather AE & Boulton SJ Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Mather AE & Boulton SJ 'Fluvial archives of NW African climate and tectonic evolution, Atlas Mountains, central Morocco' Author Site Open access
Jones J, Boulton S, Bennett G, Whitworth M & Stokes M Jones J, Boulton S, Bennett G, Whitworth M & Stokes M 'Himalaya mass-wasting: impacts of the monsoon, extreme tectonic and climatic forcing, and road construction' , DOI
Boulton S, VanDeVelde J & Grimes S Boulton S, VanDeVelde J & Grimes S 'Palaeoenvironmental and tectonic significance of Miocene lacustrine and palustrine carbonates (Ait Kandoula Formation, Ouarzazate Foreland Basin, Morocco): insights into the development of the High Atlas Mountains'
Boulton S, Whittaker A, Kent E, Alcicek MC & Fabel D Boulton S, Whittaker A, Kent E, Alcicek MC & Fabel D 'The importance of lithology and throw rate on bedrock river behaviour and evolution in the Gediz (Ala&amp;#351;ehir) Graben, Turkey' , DOI
Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Mather AE & Telfer MW Zondervan JR, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Mather AE & Telfer MW 'Palaeo river long profile reconstruction in a fold-and-thrust belt: river terraces as archives of Quaternary incision and aggradation in the Atlas Mountains' Author Site Open access
Boulton SJ & Norton KP Boulton SJ & Norton KP 'Quantifying the Erosional Response to Tectonic Forcing: Be10 Catchment Average Erosion Rates from the Taupo Rift, New Zealand' Open access
Zondervan J, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Telfer MW & Mather AE Zondervan J, Stokes M, Boulton SJ, Telfer MW & Mather AE 'LITHOLOGY, ROCK STRENGTH AND FRACTURE CONTROLS ON FLUVIAL ERODIBILITY' , DOI Open access
Other Publications
Diercks M-L, Hussain E, Mildon ZK & Boulton SJ High-resolution N-S deformation of active normal faults in SW Turkey derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR time series. Publisher Site , DOI
Egedusevic M, Bennett G, Roskilly K, Sgarabotto A, Manzella I, Raby A, Boulton SJ, Clark M, Curtis R & Panici D Monitoring the stability of leaky dams and their influence on debris transport with innovative sensor technology on the SENSUM project. Publisher Site , DOI
Zondervan J, Stokes M, Mather A, Telfer M, Boulton S, Buylaert J-P, Jain M, Murray A & Belfoul M Punctuated river incision: implications for deriving climate signals, river incision and rock uplift rates from Quaternary strath terraces. Publisher Site , DOI
Sgarabotto A, Manzella I, Raby A, Roskilly K, Egedusevic M, Panici D, Clark M, Boulton SJ, Franco AMA & Bennett GL Smart sensors to detect movements of cobbles and large woody debris dams. Insights from lab experiments. Publisher Site , DOI
Diercks M, Mildon Z, Boulton S, Hussain E, Alçiçek C, Aykut T & Yildirim C Fault interactions and Coulomb stress-triggering in complex fault networks. Publisher Site , DOI


Reports & invited lectures

1. The Geological Record of Earthquakes (Public Research Seminar), University of Plymouth, 23/05/2019.
2. When did the High Atlas Mountains get high? Herdman Symposium, University of Liverpool 16/02/2019
3. What can fluvial geomorphology tell us about active faulting? University of Leeds 22/11/2018
4. Rivers, faults and landscape change in Western Turkey. University of Manchester 31/10/2018
5. Rivers of New Zealand: The interplay between tectonics, lithology and climate. University of Hull 28/02/2018
6. What can fluvial geomorphology tell us about active faulting? Knickpoints from the Mediterranean. University of East Anglia 21/11/2017
7. The interaction between faulting and rivers in the Taupo Rift, NZ: What I did on my sabbatical. University of Plymouth, 27/09/2017 
8. What can fluvial geomorphology tell us about active faulting? Knickpoints from the Mediterranean. Victoria University of Wellington, 10/2/17
9. Plio-Quaternary uplift of the High Atlas Morocco as revealed by river long profiles. Plymouth University, 08/01/14.
10. Tectonics from topography: Using river profiles to investigate active faulting. University of Derby, 15/02/2012 
11. Using fluvial geomorphology to constrain rates of active fault motion – Case studies from the Mediterranean. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 12/11/2010
12. Geology of the Hatay Graben, south central Turkey. University of the 7th of April, Libya 09/11/08
13. Istanbul to Cairo overland: a geological journey. University of Plymouth Geological Society 23/02/07
14. Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Hatay Graben, south central Turkey. University of Edinburgh 26/10/2006.

Other academic activities

I sit on the editorial boards of the Journal of the Geological Society, Geomorphology and The Turkish Journal for Earth Sciences.
I am the university representative for the Geological Society, London. 
I was a guest editor for volume 326 of Geomorphology titled 'Palaeoseismology and active faults'.
I was the section co-editor for the Paleoseismology section for a new Springer reference work 'Encyclopeadia of Earthquake Engineering' published Winter 2013.