Roy Lowry

Academic profile

Dr Roy Lowry

Associate Professor (Teaching Fellow)
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)

About Roy

Admissions Tutor for BSc Chemistry


At university level, I am interested in e-learning, assessment and the link between the two. I am a constant innovator and use on-line assessment as both a learning tool and a method of gaining marks.

I also have interests in the both the public understanding and perception of science. Hence, I regularly perform demonstration lectures and am part of the Royal Institution's Science Events for Schools programme. I have been a scientific advisor for TV and have done numerous radio, TV and newspaper interviews. I have been a British Association Media Fellow (1999) and organise schools events at the university such as the Salter's Festival of Chemistry.

I am a former holder of the Guinness World Record(TM) for the most firework rockets launched in 30 seconds. The record-breaking event was part of the UK Firework Championships held in Plymouth on 15/16August 2006. Video clips of the event are available via YouTube.

Contact Roy

A521 Portland Square, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA
+44 1752 584562