Mairi Knight

Academic profile

Professor Mairi Knight

Professor of Evolutionary Ecology
School of Biological and Marine Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering)

The Global Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. Mairi's work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

Goal 06: SDG 6 - Clean Water and SanitationGoal 14: SDG 14 - Life Below WaterGoal 15: SDG 15 - Life on LandGoal 17: SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

About Mairi

I am interested in the evolutionary and ecological processes that give rise to and maintain extant biodiversity, employing molecular techniques alongside lab and field-based experimental approaches. My research spans a broad range of specific questions, from reproductive isolation and gene flow between populations, to ecological issues such as dispersal and foraging ranges through to species delineation and phylogeny reconstruction. I am increasingly interested in how these processes operate in populations that are declining and thus of conservation concern, and how molecular techniques can inform conservation science both in an applied and theoretical context. My recent research focuses on bee systems (both honeybees and bumblebees), although I am also involved in projects on similar themes focused on a range of other biological systems.

Supervised Research Degrees

Victoria Buswell (2022) The genomic and phenotypic basis of local adaptation in the black honey bee Apis mellifera mellifera. Director of Studies with co-supervisors Jonathan Ellis, Vanessa Huml [UoP] and Andrew Brown [B4].

Mary Lane (2020) Heathland restoration after mineral extraction Co-supervised with Drs Jon Ellis (DoS), Paul Lunt, Charlotte Braungard, Mick Hanley (all UoP).

Felicity Wynne (2019) Disease ecology of two emerging amphibian pathogens in Costa Rica. Co-supervised with Dr Rob Pushendorf (Director of Studies, UoP) and Dr Stephen Price (then ZSL, London)

C. John Thorpe (2018) The biogeography and conservation status of the rocky plateaus of the Northern Western Ghats, India. Director of Studies, co-supervised by Prof Dave Bilton (UoP) and Dr Aparne Watve (Pune, India).

Salih Mustafa Salih (2017) Authenticity and quality of muscle foods: assessing consumer trust and fraud detection approaches Co-supervised with Dr Victor Kuri (DoS) & Dr Carly Benefer (UoP)

Sarah Rustage (2014) Correlates of rarity in UK bumblebee (Bombus spp.) populations Director of Studies, co-supervised by Dr Jonathan Ellis, Dr Richard Billington (UoP) & Prof Mark Brown (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Tony Bicknell (2011) Population structuring and dispersal patterns of a highly pelagic seabird: implications for Leach's Storm-petrel conservation Co-supervised with Prof Steve Votier (now Herriot Watt University), Prof David Bilton (UoP) & Jim Reid (JNCC).

Carly Benefer (2011) The molecular ecology and behaviour of Agriotes species Co-supervised with Prof. Rod Blackshaw (DoS) and Dr Jon Ellis (UoP) 

Olivia Scholtz (2010) Community ecology of rainforest termites Director of Studies with Prof Paul Eggleton (Natural History Museum, London), Dr Sarah Donovan & Prof Rod Blackshaw (UoP)

Nicola J Barson (2004) Sexual Selection and the genetics of reproductive isolation in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes Co-supervised with Prof George Turner (now University of Bangor). 


I teach on a number of different modules on topics ranging from evolution and genetic principles to conservation genetics and small population biology through to field biology.

MBIO161 Evolution and Behaviour
(evolutionary genetics)
BIOL123/130/136 Field Biology
(systematics and taxonomy)
BIOL204 Principles of Conservation Biology
(conservation genetics)
ANIM5007 Small Population Biology
(conservation genetics)

I also regularly teach on residential field biology courses (e.g. to Andalucia, Spain; Laikipia, Kenya).

Contact Mairi

+44 1752 584636