Aerial photo of Plymouth

Discover our campus by the sea

Experience first-hand what it is like to be on campus and explore the environments and facilities that inspire and shape our learning every day. Our main campus is home to the Faculties of Arts, Humanities and Business, Science and Engineering, and Health as well as the University of Plymouth Students’ Union. Four miles north of our main campus, our facilities for Medicine and Dentistry are located adjacent to Derriford Hospital at the Plymouth Science Park.
The Marine Station and InterCity Place are located within walking distance of campus. There are also University accommodation halls on campus – with further halls within walking distance. The John Bull Building is home to a number of research laboratories, clinical skills resources, seminar and meeting rooms, and a wellbeing room. Located adjacent to John Bull, Derriford Research Facility allows greater collaboration between medical, dental and biomedical researchers at the University and University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Explore campus

Check out our comprehensive range of services

Services and facilities

At Plymouth, we are dedicated to your success and to ensuring that your university experience is exceptional from beginning to end.

International Student Tinotenda Nyemba talking to two other students

Learning and support services
We are dedicated to providing a range of learning and support services that support your academic success and personal development.

Architecture students in studio

Teaching, research and support facilities
Our facilities are designed to enhance your learning experience and offer practical, hands-on opportunities for skills development.

Exterior of UPSU - Students' Union

The University of Plymouth Students’ Union (UPSU) is an independent, democratically led charity that represents the needs of our students.


Take a tour of our halls

Our halls of residence are located on campus, or within the nearby Student Village – only a few minutes’ walk from both University facilities and the city centre.
Check out our playlist to tour University-managed halls:
Explore our halls

Picture yourself studying here with us


Step inside our campus

Plymouth's maritime history and coastal location have an undeniable influence on life in the city. The walk from our main campus to the seafront is only about one mile, providing you with loads of opportunities to relax and unwind during your studies. Life as a student in Plymouth