Surfer girl on a beach holding surf board. Getty images. Apply pages.
Offer Holder Days are subject-specific events that give University of Plymouth offer holders a chance to take the next step towards starting their course in September by connecting them with passionate staff and current students. 
They will also provide offer holders an opportunity to explore the campus and city, get any questions answered and really find out about what it is like to be a student at the University of Plymouth.
Please note, not all subjects are represented at each event. 
When you complete the booking form you will be presented with which dates you can book for your course. 
Should you have any problems, please contact where the team will be happy to help.

Frequently asked questions for Offer Holder Days

Can you help me with travel costs?

We are currently in the process of confirming what assistance we will be able to offer, and will be in touch ahead of your visit with details about this.

What is an Offer Holder Day?

Offer Holder Days are invite-only events for students who have made an application to the University of Plymouth and are holding an offer with us, either conditional or unconditional. 
The experience is subject specific and tailored to give you the chance to explore your chosen course and the University in much more detail.

What happens after I book on to an Offer Holder Day?

Once you have booked your place, we will keep in regular contact with you via email to provide you with all of the details needed for your event. You will be emailed a copy of the programme one week before to help you plan your visit.

I’ve already been to an Open Day – why should I attend an Offer Holder Day?

Given that you are much further on with your university application, it’s likely that you’ll have questions that will differ from the ones you had before making your application and initial choices.
Offer Holder Days are invite-only events that give you the opportunity to attend course-specific activities and spend more time with future classmates, course leads and academics who will be teaching you. The day will give you the perfect opportunity to decide whether the course, university and city are the best fit for you as an individual.
You'll experience in-depth course lectures, sessions and activities that were not available in such detail at our Open Days. We understand that as well as the course, you also need to explore the University itself so we have our Accommodation Team, Student Ambassadors, Admissions Team and Student Support Services on campus, to allow you to discuss any individual requirements specific to you alongside subject specific activities.