Aerial view of Plymouth Sound with Celtic Sea visual identity
Research for future oceans

Internationally recognised as the prime location to undertake physical development of experimental technologies and research methodologies, Plymouth benefits from a unique combination of natural capital and advanced research and development infrastructure embedded into the port and offshore environment.

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View of Plymouth Sound

Plymouth and South Devon Freeport and Enterprise Zone

A national hub for trade and investment
Building unique capabilities in marine, defence and space, a consortium of wide-ranging stakeholders including Plymouth City Council, port operators, the University and the Heart of the South West LEP, are forming globally impactful innovation clusters.

Marine Research Plymouth

The UK’s largest cluster of marine science researchers and cutting-edge facilities
Combining globally renowned capabilities of the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the University of Plymouth. It boasts a significant record of accomplishment in delivering projects for government, industry and research bodies.

Smart Sound Plymouth

The most heavily instrumented stretch of ocean in the world
1,000 km2 of authorised, directly accessible and deep-water space provides private 4G and 5G communication networks above water, and a new subsea acoustic navigation and communication network below. Facilitating trials of novel autonomous platforms, sensors and sampling methodologies underpinned by decades of in situ sampling, remote sensing and environmental modelling.

FAST Cluster: Future Autonomous at Sea Technologies

Delivering innovative marine autonomous solutions
Collaborating with leading industrial and academic partners specialising in the delivery of innovative marine autonomous solutions, such as: surface and sub-surface autonomous systems, advanced manufacturing, smart ports, and cyber security.

National Centre for Coastal Autonomy (NCCA)

The UK’s first autonomous fully integrated coastal observing and monitoring network
Employing the latest autonomous technologies to drive towards a net-zero oceanographic capability, delivering world-leading and cutting-edge science.

Extensive sector-leading commercial assets at the University of Plymouth

Including the UK’s first floating offshore wind test facility
The unique combined potential of the COAST, Maritime Simulation and CyberSHIP Labs puts the University at the global forefront of floating offshore wind and associated fields research. This has recently been extended to include the UK’s first FLOW test facility and the Cyber Resilience Offshore Wind Network station.

Western Channel Observatory (WCO)

Ensuring that Plymouth's surrounding waters are the most surveyed and digitally connected stretch of water in the world
Underpinned by PML's excellence in ecosystem modelling and satellite remote sensing science, the WCO ensures the waters off Plymouth are the most surveyed and digitally connected stretch of water in the world. It is a unique time-series and biodiversity reference site providing detailed data records and insight of the marine environmental conditions over timescales of hours to centuries.

Regulator Pioneers Fund

Funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Plymouth City Council and the University, with the Marine and Coastguard Agency, are exploring regulation development for marine autonomy. This ensures that the cost, safety and carbon saving benefits of the technology for advanced ocean observation can be fully exploited for both pre-consenting and operational maintenance applications for FLOW developments.

Ocean Futures and the City’s Skills Escalator

A private-public-research partnership established to create a global centre of excellence in testing, development and manufacture of autonomy, digital and clean ocean technologies.
With a strong focus on the future workforce, its partners provide apprenticeships; Plymouth City College deliver the only foundation degree in marine autonomous systems in the UK; and masters-level degrees in autonomous systems and offshore renewable energy are delivered by the University of Plymouth.

National Marine Park

Bringing community and business together
Showcasing marine science engineering and research, and bringing together community and business to raise social capital and develop strong partnerships. Supporting our port through strong destination management and other economic development activity.