This resource will introduce you to some of the things you need to think about before you join us in Plymouth.
Settling in event
Thursday 7 November, 16:00-18:00, Rolle 605
We hope you have settled in to your new life in Plymouth. When you first arrived, you may have felt overwhelmed with information or perhaps you missed the official welcome. Join us at our Settling In Event, where you can meet our friendly University support teams (including The Student Hub, Student Immigration Advice, Pastoral and Spiritual Support) along with your Students' Union team, and Devon and Cornwall Police. They'll be there to explain how they can help you and answer any questions you may have.
Learn about resources, groups, and activities available to make you feel at home, while making friends with other international students. Share your experiences of moving to the UK and settling into university.
After you arrive in the UK
Checklist of important things you need to do
We know that it is easy to feel confused or lost when you arrive in the UK.
Visit the Student Hub
Visit the Student Hub in the campus library if you need help. Our friendly staff are happy to welcome you and answer any questions.
Find your way around campus
Familiarise yourself with campus surroundings and start to feel settled.
International student advice
Your wellbeing is as important as your academic life. We are here to provide support, advice and wellbeing services to help you get the most of your time at university.
Visit the Student Hub (Charles Seale Hayne Library) and a member of the team will be able to answer your questions about the campus and
important things to do after you arrive in the UK to study
Or connect with the Student Hub through social media: