The Research Excellence Framework 2014 results confirmed our position as a dynamic research institution and one leading the charge for modern universities in the UK. The results reveal the international quality of our research right across the spectrum of health and medicine, business, arts and social sciences; transforming lives and underpinning the quality of our research-informed approach to teaching and learning.
Each subject submission was also graded according to the impact of the work, and the research environment, such as the amount of funding received and the number of PhD students in each area. A university-wide success story, our results are a testament to the talent that permeates every area of expertise at the University of Plymouth.
Key highlights include:
- Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, which includes marine, environmental chemistry and geology, was the University’s highest-rated submission, with 85% of its research graded at 3 or 4 stars.
- Computer Science and Informatics, Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, and Clinical Medicine all registered scores of around 80%
- The University of Plymouth Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry ranked 13th overall, and first in the country in terms of the medical research ‘outputs’, based upon the quality of its publications and the number of citations.
Discover more about our academic, economic and societal impact
- University of Plymouth submitted 50 impact case studies to REF2014
- our case studies demonstrated impact on academia, politics, health, culture, technology, society, the economy and environment
- project funders included 12 national Department of Business, Innovation and Skills funding bodies
- reaching far and wide, Plymouth's global impact locations included Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, North and South America.